Discover a three step exercise inspired by Ayurveda that is practical and effectively enhances our well-being. I have included a free tool (including illustrative content) for this exercise.
Ayurveda in a Nutshell
Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of natural medicine, combines the words "Ayur" (life) and "veda" (science). At its core, Ayurveda is the science of life.
It empowers us to become self-aware in all aspects of life, enabling us to make balanced decisions that align with our bodies, minds, and goals. In essence, Ayurveda guides us on a journey back to our optimal, healthy, and energetic selves.

Foundation: Senses, impressions and quality
According to Ayurveda, our five senses continuously consume impressions throughout the day.
Impressions can be defined as the information we take in through our five senses, such as the taste of food, sights we see, touch sensations, smells in our surroundings, and sounds we hear.
We are constantly exposed to impressions, some of which we choose (e.g., our dietary choices or entertainment preferences), while others are influenced by external factors (e.g., traffic or stressful situations).
Each impression leaves an impact on us, affecting our emotional state and overall well-being. This impact can be described as the quality of the impression, characterized by words like soothing, relaxing, violent, slow, or cold.

The quality of impressions we consume directly influences the quality of our lives. Consistently engaging with highly stimulating or aggravating information will likely reflect in our conversations, interactions, and decision-making processes.
Recognizing this empowers us to consciously choose the impressions we invite into our lives, shaping the quality of life we desire.
Now, let us learn the three step tool to help reflect and align our daily choices.
Step 1: Discovering Your Desired Life Qualities
Consider the qualities you wish to encourage in your life. Take a moment to fill in the blank:
"I want __________ life."
This statement should capture the essence of the qualities you seek.

Step 2a: Assessing Your Alignment
To get started, create a table similar to the reference table (Table 1) provided below. This activity can easily be done on a paper, but if you prefer digital, I created a Google Sheet that you can download here: Link to the Tool.
The information in the table is only for illustration. Replace the text in brown with your input.
You will notice in the table that I have defined some categories. These are meant to help us think about the impressions from the perspective of our five senses. As sight, hearing and taste are the easiest to begin with, I have included those three categories and recommend that you start there.
List the impressions you consume daily. Get detailed. I recommend filling this table over the course of a few days.
Table 1: Snapshot of the tool. Text in this color is illustrative and will be replaced by items you identify from your life.

Step 2b: Honest Self-Reflection
Next, reflect on the quality of each impression that you listed in Step 2a. This may be challenging as it requires breaking habits and being open to change.
For example, after consuming media, take a moment to check in with your mood, thoughts, and feelings to gauge how those impressions leave you feeling.
Step 3: Making Better Choices
Armed with this knowledge, you now possess a powerful tool to make mindful choices each day. If you wake up feeling overwhelmed or restless, opt for activities that promote a sense of calm and tranquility.
Conversely, if you wake up feeling sluggish and fatigued, counteract it by making nourishing dietary choices and incorporating physical movement into your day.
Tip: Write down the changes you want to make in the 'Notes' column.
Your Choices This Week
Take a moment to reflect on the choices you will make this week. How will you align them with your desired qualities and well-being?